Wills And Estate Planning Services
Death is one of the few things in life that we can be certain of. It is not a matter of “if”, but “when”. With this in mind, you need to ensure that your loved ones are financially secure and safe in the case of your untimely death. Whatever you need to pass on to your family, friend, or a charitable organization of your choice requires writing down with your attorney’s help. In this case, a will becomes handy as it will help solve the lengthy probate process associated with your property’s distribution and your children’s custodians.
Denny Fraser of Fraser Law Firm, LLC is a trained and seasoned lawyer that can help you with a wide range of legal services for wills and estates and many more.
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Call Fraser Law Firm, LLC Now At 843-681-9111!
Services Our Firm Offers
Living Wills
It is an important document that is also known as an advanced healthcare directive that gives directions to your physician, family, and loved ones. It helps make easy decisions in case of an emergency. It outlines what you want as they will have to follow your preferences. However, this type of will is different from other types of wills that let you trace how your properties will be distributed upon your demise.
Business Power of Attorney
A power of attorney or POA is a legal document that gives a person legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. This applies to one’s finances and properties.
Trusts for Children
Leaving a trust fund for your children is not only for the wealthy; even the middle-class can practice this as well. You will need to discuss with an attorney regarding the assets you want to place in your trust. These may include money, stock, real estate properties, etc. You can set stipulations for it as well, such as the assets may only be used for education expenses or it may only be released when the beneficiary reaches a certain age.
Guardianship for Children
While this may seem morbid, it is actually a very practical thing to do. This will allow you to choose someone you trust and make them the guardian of your child/children in the event of your passing. You can choose more than one guardian. in fact, it is recommended, just in case the first one you chose cannot commit to it.
Wills & Estate Planning Lawyer
Never ignore the power of a will, as it helps sort out the longer probate process and makes it easier to distribute your property among your family. Expressing your intentions in a living will simplifies decision-making in an emergency, when you can no longer make decisions independently.
Denny Fraser of Fraser Law Firm, LLC, would like to help you get everything in place. We offer legal consultation and advice, risk assessment and management, and many more.
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Fraser Law Firm, LLC
94 Main Street, Suite D,
Hilton Head, SC 29926
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