Contact Us

Contact Fraser Law Firm

Questions, comments, concerns? How can we be of assistance to you?

    The Fraser Law Firm, LLC is licensed to practice in the State of South Carolina. Our principal office is located in South Carolina. The information provided in this web site is offered for information purposes only; it is not offered and does not constitute legal advice. The Fraser Law Firm LLC does not seek to represent you based on your visit or review of this web site. This web site may be considered advertising under the rules of South Carolina. You should not make legal hiring decisions based on brochures, advertising, or other promotional materials.

    Hilton Head Island

    Fraser Law Firm, LLC
    94 Main St # D,
    Hilton Head Island, SC 29926


    Fraser Law Firm, LLC
    C/o Regus Center 110 Traders
    Cross, Okatie, SC 29909

    Contact Numbers

    Phone: (843) 681-9111
    Fax: (843) 681-9112

    Mailing Address

    P.O. Box 22512
    Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
    Phone: (843) 681-9111
    Fax: (843) 681-9112

    Hilton Head Island
