Yes the party’s over. The Thanksgiving leftovers are all gone but not forgotten. The family has all migrated back to their respective corners of the earth, and Monday which seemed all too distant last Wednesday, has arrived in the blink of an eye. Damn, it all goes so fast. But the good thing is we are all rested and ready for a great week of business in the banking, real estate and estate planning world. I thought I’d start my hit and miss weekly blog with a look back. Not for what we are thankful for because we have been praying over that all this past Thanksgiving weekend, but to reproduce another little blog I do for my BNI group (BNI is a worldwide business networking association). They call blogs and vlogs “CLE’s). Y’all will notice I had fun doing it, but hidden within it is link to a business video with some really cool advice about how to make a business day count. So here ya go:
Dear BNI’ers. Here’s an earlybird special for your Thanksgiving delight. The gift that keeps on giving. A CLE just for the fun of it. I know we don’t have a meeting tomorrow, but this video is so insanely crazy (in)appropriate for Thanksgiving I just couldn’t resist sending it out early so you’d be ready for the big day’ aptly titled “How (and When) to Sharpen Your Sword.” Watch this video and then give those turkeys three steps because they gonna need it once you get that sword sharpened! Now enjoy the video. Then follow these simple directions to have a great TGiving:
Sharpen your sword,
get out the cutting board,
chop that bird’n cook’em up,
save some for the pup,
whipup some dressing,
say a good blessing,
chomp down that gobbler,
finish it with cobbler,
try not to slobber,
watch a parade,
play some charades,
turn on the game,
and don’t be lame,
show some manners,
stand for the banner,
don’t take a knee,
cept to adjust the TV,
hang out in your sweats,
have no regrets,
share some friendship,
don’t give nobody no lip,
give’em all a big hug,
it works like a drug,
and one thing above,
spread the love,
drink a nightcap or eight,
don’t stay up too late,
lock up the door,
fall asleep on the floor,
wake up at four,
stagger up to bed,
don’t think to dread,
in spite of the good wishes,
nobody’s gonna help wash all those dishes.
And get ready to kick some business butt next week.
OH Yeah, watch this video.
So the whole idea of the video is to use every minute of business time to sell or do whatever it is that you do to make a living or make your business grow. Don’t use your day to metaphorically sharpen your sword. Do the sword sharpening at night. Pick your metaphor. Fuel your jets. Load your guns. Pack your wagons. Feed your horses. Sharpen your pencils. Whatever. But when the sun comes up, hit the ground running and sell, sell, sell. Maybe it isn’t selling for everyone, but be ready to do what is that you do to make a better life. For me, it is doing real estate closings and estate plans, wills, living wills, powers of attorney in Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, Okatie and Sun City Hilton.
I hope you all have enjoyed this little message. For most, I am speaking to the choir, but maybe it is helpful to chant the basics of good business to truly the successful just as a reminder.
Have a blessed and successful week!